Lange Strecke??

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  • let's have a try with my bad english,

    To ride long distances can be a problem, not for the bike but for you and your ass i think. It's not a touring bike of course but if you're hard enough you can ride all day long, if you don't ride a highway with full throttle.

    The longest distance I drove was about 400km but maybe I'm a wimp^^ but the last killometers were less funny.

    In my eyes you can ride a tank a day without any problems.

    Sorry again for my english but i hope i could help you.
    Fährste quer, triffste mehr!
  • RE: Danke sehr..

    ..knapp 600 km hab ich mal an einem tag geschafft lange es abwechslungsreich bleibt geht es immer problemlos ..anstrengend und sehr ermüdend werden längere weite strecken zurückzulegen ..der geringe fahr- und sitzkomfort..der winddruck und das instabile fahrverhalten kosten kraft und kehren den spass ins gegenteil..
    ..."wir werden sehen" ...sagte der blinde...
  • Hi SmaRTrxxv,

    i ride my berg only offroad an at rallye's.
    the longest distanz a day i've been ever ridden was nearly 700 km - offroad.
    only my ass has done trouble after 450 km ;) the bike works without any problems ^^

    the longest trip i've don in the last 5 years with my berg where in this year the breslau rallye.

    with liason's my odo shows a final distanz with nearly 3000 km in one week, bike works within little problems, but i arived dresden in ranking. so .. no problems :)